Donation to beyondblue

By December 23, 2009 June 1st, 2020 Philanthropy and Charities

Scanned copy available at: Geoff Edelsten 2009.12.23 beyondblue Great Expectations Foundation, Jeff Kennett Chairman


the national depression initiative

23rd December 2009
Professor Geoffrey Edelsten
Great Expectations Foundation Ltd
6 Alma Road
St Kilda Vic 3182

Dear Geoffrey,

Many thanks for your letter and the list of donors to beyondblue, arising from their attendance at your wedding.

We at beyondblue appreciate the support of your guests and each will receive a receipt.

Stay well and I trust 2010 is a bumper one for you.

With kind regards,

The Hon Jeff Kennett AC
Chairman of the Board
PO Box 6100, Hawthorn West VIC 3122
Tel: 03 9810 6100
Fax: 03 9810 6111
Email: [email protected]
beyondblue info line: 1300 22 4636
ABN 87 093 865 840
Beyond Blue Limited

beyondblue: opening our eyes to depression and anxiety across Australia
Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce, AC – Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia – Patron

Webb Korfiatis

Barristers & Solicitors

Michael J Webb LL.B
Jim Korfiatis BEc, LL.B
Telephone: 9663-8899
Facsimile: 9663-8298

All correspondence to:
Suite 1, Ground Floor
Lansdowne House
182 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne Vic, 3002
DX 31504
[email protected]

Your Ref.:
OurRef.: MJW:gmb2010.0024

23rd August, 2010

The Manager
Beyond Blue
P.O. Box 6100

Dear Sir/Madam

Re: G.W. & B.M. Edelsten

We enclose with pleasure our Trust Account Cheque being for donations totalling $650.00. The donations were made at the wedding of Geoffrey and Brynne Edelsten late last year.

Your receipts should be drawn as follows and forwarded to this office for distribution.

$50.00 Explosive Entertainment (Vic) Pty. Ltd.
$100.00 L.D. Grindal T/as Port Phillip Marine
$500.00 Seven Network (Operations) Ltd.
$650.00 Total

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Michael Webb of this office.

Yours faithfully

Webb Korfiatis



depression research ancillary fund trust

15 September 2010
The Manager
Seven Network (Operations) Ltd
c/- Mr Michael Webb
Webb Korfiatis
Suite 1, Ground Floor
Lansdowne House, 182 Victoria Parade

Dear Manager

In acknowledgement of Geoffrey and Brynne Edelsten Wedding

I write to acknowledge and thank you and the staff of Seven Network (Operations) Ltd for the kind donation to beyondblue: the national depression initiative; we greatly appreciate the generosity and support of all concerned.

At beyondblue, our goals are to increase community awareness about depression and anxiety and reduce the stigma associated with this disabling condition through public education. We aim to make the facts about depression and its effective treatments more widely available across Australia. Your contribution will assist us to do this.

Donations are deposited directly into the beyondblue Depression Research Fund and monies are used specifically for research in this field.

The beyondblue Research Fund Trust has its own Board of Directors to determine the fund allocation for research programs. Information about the research programs can be found on our website

We thank you again for your generosity.

Yours sincerely

Leonie Young
CEO – beyondblue

24 August 2010
Seven Network (Operations) Ltd
Donation to beyondblue Research Fund Trust: $500.00
TOTAL $500.00
The beyondblue Depression Research Ancillary Fund Trust
(ABN 41 688 712 705), is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office with Deductible Gift Recipient Status.

PO Box 6100, Hawthorn West VIC 3 122
Tel: 03 9810 6100
Fax: 03 9810 6111
Email: [email protected]
beyondblue info line: 1300 22 4636

ABN 41 688 712 705
beyondblue Depression Research Ancillary Fund Trust
beyondblue: opening our eyes to depression across Australia
Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce, AC – Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia – Patron


depression research ancillary fund trust

15 September 2010

The Manager
L.D. Grindal TIA Port Phillip Marine
c/- Mr Michael Webb
Webb Kortiatis
Suite 1, Ground Floor
Lansdowne House, 182 Victoria Parade

Dear Manager

In acknowledgement of Geoffrey and Brynne Edelsten Wedding

I write to acknowledge and thank you and the staff of L.D. Grindal t/a Port Phillip Marine for the kind donation to beyondblue: the national depression initiative; we greatly appreciate the generosity and support of all concerned.

At beyondblue, our goals are to increase community awareness about depression and anxiety and reduce the stigma associated with this disabling condition through public education. We aim to make the facts about depression and its effective treatments more widely available across Australia. Your contribution will assist us to do this.

Donations are deposited directly into the beyondblue Depression Research Fund and monies are used specifically for research in this field.

The beyondblue Research Fund Trust has its own Board of Directors to determine the fund allocation for research programs. Information about the research programs can be found on our website

We thank you again for your generosity.

Yours sincerely

Leonie Young

CEO – beyondblue

24 August 2010
L.D. Grindal T/A Port Phillip Marine
Donation to beyondblue Research Fund Trust: $100.00
TOTAL $100.00
The beyondblue Depression Research Ancillary Fund Trust
(ABN 41 688 712 705), is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office with Deductible Gift Recipient Status.

PO Box 6100, Hawthorn West VIC 3122
Tel:03 9810 6100
Fax: 03 9810 6111
Email: [email protected]
beyondblue info line: 1300 22 4636

ABN 41 688 712 705
beyondblue Depression Research Ancillary Fund Trust
beyondblue: opening our eyes to depression across Australia
Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce, AC – Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia – Patron


depression research ancillary fund trust

15 September 2010
The Manager
Explosive Entertainment (Vic) Pty Ltd
c/- Mr Michael Webb
Webb Korfiatis
Suite 1, Ground Floor
Lansdowne House, 182 Victoria Parade

Dear Manager

In acknowledgement of Geoffrey and Brynne Edelsten Wedding

I write to acknowledge and thank you and the staff of Explosive Entertainment (Vic) Pty Ltd for the kind donation to beyondblue: the national depression initiative; we greatly appreciate the generosity and support of all concerned.

At beyondblue, our goals are to increase community awareness about depression and anxiety and reduce the stigma associated with this disabling condition through public education. We aim to make the facts about depression and its effective treatments more widely available across Australia. Your contribution will assist us to do this.

Donations are deposited directly into the beyondblue Depression Research Fund and monies are used specifically for research in this field.

The beyondblue Research Fund Trust has its own Board of Directors to determine the fund allocation for research programs. Information about the research programs can be found on our website

We thank you again for your generosity.

Yours sincerely

Leonie Young
CEO – beyondblue

24 August 2010
Explosive Entertainment (Vic) Pty Ltd
Donation to bevondblue Research Fund Trust: $50.00
TOTAL $50.00
The beyondblue Depression Research Ancillary Fund Trust
(ABN 41 688 712 705), is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office with Deductible Gift Recipient Status.

PO Box 6100, Hawthorn West VIC 3122
Tel: 03 9810 6100
Fax: 03 9810 6111
Email: [email protected]
beyondblue info line: 1300 22 4636
ABN 41 688 712 705

beyondblue Depression Research Ancillary Fund Trust
beyondblue: opening our eyes to depression across Australia
Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce, AC – Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia – Patron

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